New Aquatic Center at Orange Memorial Park

Pool Header - Outdoor Design

Project Overview

Orange Pool is South San Francisco’s only indoor municipal swimming pool. Opened in 1970, it continues to serve as a community-wide destination for residents of all ages. The pool has typically operated year-round, seven days a week, offering critical life-skill/safety learn-to swim programs, recreation, fitness, therapy, health, and wellness activities. Prior to the pandemic, public demand for aquatic programs has grown year over year, well beyond the pool’s capacity. The facility has exceeded the typical lifespan for an indoor aquatic center and is due for replacement.

The vision is for a new aquatic center to be constructed adjacent to the existing Orange Pool to allow for continued aquatic operations during construction. Once construction of the new aquatic center is complete, the existing pool and building will be demolished.

Orange Pool will remain open during construction.

Project Scope

  • 24,000 SF single-story facility
  • Two Pools - a 25-yard cool water lap pool and a separate warm water teaching/recreation pool
  • Swimmer’s lounge and locker rooms
  • Rentable multi-use/party rooms

Aquatic Center Site Plan

Project Budget

$49 Million, utilizing funds from a future Measure W bond sale.

Proposed Schedule

  • Programming and Planning: Summer 2021 - Spring 2022
  • Design & Community Engagement: Spring 2022 - Summer 2023
  • Bid & Award of Contract: Winter 2023
  • Start of Construction: Early 2024
  • Grand Opening: 2025


Project Updates

Construction live cam:


Progress Photos - December 2024

Foundation Progress

The foundation work for the Aquatic Center is advancing smoothly. Key milestones include:

  • Excavation and Soil Improvement: The excavation phase has been successfully completed. Soil improvement measures were implemented, including geogrid installation and placement of engineered fill, ensuring a stable foundation. The entire area has been carefully backfilled to prepare for subsequent construction phases.
  • Structural Integrity: Rigorous geotechnical inspections confirmed compliance with engineering standards during the soil improvement process.

Electrical Infrastructure

Significant progress has been made on the electrical systems:

  • Conduit Installation: The main electrical conduits connecting the new transformer location to the building have been installed. These conduits are critical for powering the facility’s advanced systems.
  • Backfilling Completed: Following installation, the trenching and backfilling were executed to ensure durability and seamless integration with surrounding infrastructure.

Perimeter Structural Elements

The structural framework around the facility is taking shape:

  • Footings and Grade Beams: The perimeter footings and grade beams have been expertly poured. These components provide the structural support necessary for the building's external walls and overall stability.

Key Facility Components

Progress on the essential structural components is as follows:

  • Surge Chamber, Pump Pit, and Backwash Pit: The walls for these critical water management facilities have been poured. These structures are integral to the Aquatic Center’s operational efficiency, handling water circulation, filtration, and backwash processes with state-of-the-art engineering.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make strides on this exciting community project!

Aquatic Center Construction December 2024 Aquatic Center Construction December 2024

Aquatic Center Construction December 2024 Aquatic Center Construction December 2024

Aquatic Center Construction December 2024 Aquatic Center Construction December 2024

Construction Update - 4/2/24

Construction is anticipated to start April 2024.  During construction, the Orange Pool parking lot and lawn area bound by Orange Avenue, Colma Creek, and the Fernekes Building will be closed.  The new Aquatic Center is anticipated to open Summer 2025.

Orange Pool and Tennis Drive Parking Lot will remain open during construction. Please visit for closures and updated schedule changes, or call (650) 875-6973 for more information.

Aquatic Center Closure Map Phase 1

City Council Presentation - 5/24/23, 6/12/23

Project updates were presented at the May 24th and June 14th South San Francisco City Council meeting. Design updates include:

  • Exterior metal panel color changed from aqua to weather-steel
  • Finalized exterior building signage
  • Veteran’s Memorial
  • Increased exterior shallow pool depth from 3.5’ to 4’

City Council unanimously accepted the Design Development Package, allowing the project to advance to development of construction documents.

We’ll continue to provide updates and post materials at the project webpage. Questions and comments can be sent to

Groundbreaking - 3/30/24

Stakeholder Meeting - 4/25/23

Stakeholder Meeting | Veterans Memorial | Tuesday, April 25, 2023

To accommodate the new Aquatic Center at Orange Memorial Park, the Eternal Flame sculpture and memorial plaques currently located at the corner of Orange Avenue and Tennis Drive will need to be relocated. The City hosted a focus group of South San Francisco veterans to gather feedback on the proposed relocation of the sculpture and memorial elements.

City Council Presentation - 2/8/22

A project update along with schematic designs were presented at the February 8th South San Francisco City Council meeting. City Council unanimously accepted the Schematic Design, allowing the project to advance to the next phase of design – Design Development.

Project features include:

  • Indoor Pool: 7 lap lanes and beach entry (25-yard)
  • Outdoor Pool: 10 lap lanes with Wind Screen (25-yard x 25-meter)
  • Activity Room & Swim Lounge
  • Indoor and Outdoor Locker Rooms
  • Two Family Changing Rooms
  • Entry Plaza
  • All-Electric Facility

During Design Development, the design will continue to be refined which includes the selection and review of materials and finishes. This next phase will also see further development and coordination of the overall site as well as the structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems of the building. We’ll continue to provide updates and post materials at the project webpage. Questions and comments can be sent to

OMP AC - City Council Presentation - 2/8/23(PDF, 6MB)

Pool Design - Aerial

Pool Design - Exterior

Pool Design - Indoor

Pool Design - Outdoor

Parks and Rec Commission Presentation - 1/17/23

The schematic design for the New Aquatic Center at Orange Memorial Park was presented at the January 17th Parks and Recreation Commission meeting:

OMP AC - Parks and Rec Commission Presentation -1/17/23(PDF, 14MB)

City Council Presentation - 9/28/22

The concept design for the new aquatic center was presented to the South San Francisco City Council at the September 28 Council Meeting with the recommendation of Council to advance the design to the next level. At the conceptual level the design includes a 7-lane 25-yard indoor pool and 10-lane 25-yard by 25-meter outdoor pool with wind screen, an activity room, multipurpose room, multiple locker rooms and three family changing rooms.

The design was informed with input from the community over the past several months through public workshops, focus group meetings, events and three surveys with more than 200 responses. Balancing the needs of the various aquatic programs with those of the programs and activities of Orange Park the design will bring nearly four times the amount of pool area as the existing pool allowing for a significant increase in aquatic program hours.

Over the next several months stakeholder groups will be engaged to further advance the design informing pool depths, pool features, and amenities.

OMP AC - City Council Presentation - 9/28/22(PDF, 7MB)

Pool Concept - Indoor

Pool Concept - Outdoor

Pool Concept - Aerial

Pool Concept - Sign

Pool Concept - Exterior Window

Pool Concept - Exterior Path

Pool Concept - Desk

Pool Concept - Interior

Parks and Rec Commission Presentation - 8/16/22

The concept design for the New Aquatic Center at Orange Memorial Park was presented at the August 16th Parks and Recreation Commission meeting:

OMP AC - Parks and Rec Commission Presentation - 8/16/22(PDF, 20MB)

Community Workshop #3 - 6/25/22

Community Workshop #3 | Presentations of Preferred Concept & Charrette | Saturday, June 25, 2022

We are still collecting community members feedback. If you were unable to attend workshop #3, you can complete the Community Workshop #3 survey on the Survey Monkey website. Thank you to all community members who attended our workshop, comments were collected and can be found in the summary link below.

Community Workshop #2 - 4/30/22

Community Workshop #2 | Presentations of Concepts & Charrette | Saturday, April 30, 2022

We are still collecting community members feedback. If you were unable to attend workshop #2, you can complete the Community Workshop #2 survey on the Survey Monkey website. Thank you to all community members who attended our workshop, comments were collected and can be found in the summary link below.

Community Workshop #1 - 4/9/22

Community Workshop #1 | Open House - Gallery Walk | Saturday, April 9, 2022

We are still collecting community members feedback. If you were unable to attend workshop #1, you can complete the Community Workshop #1 survey on the Survey Monkey website. Thank you to all community members who attended our workshop, comments were collected and can be found in the summary link below.


Additional Information

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Current Pool at OMP

The current pool is still open!

Hours and More Information


Will the old pool be open while the new pool is under construction?

Yes! We do not anticipate having to close down the old pool until the new pool is open for use by the public.

What will happen to the old pool?

Once construction of the new aquatic center is complete, the old pool will be demolished to accommodate parking and park features.

Will the pool depth accommodate water polo?

The outdoor pool can accommodate full course water polo using deck mounted goals.

With doors opening to the outdoors, how will the wind be regulated on the indoor pool deck?

All exterior doors accessing the indoor pool/natatorium will feature self-closing mechanisms to limit wind impacts onto the pool deck and building interior. The main doors into the indoor pool with be via the lobby, which is enclosed from the natatorium and will help dampen winds. In a scenario with an outdoor lap pool, it’s possible some wind may enter the natatorium via the doors to the outdoor pool deck, however, wind screening will mitigate this. The design team and wind consultant will continue to study this as design progresses.

Will nearby trees be a maintenance issue for the outdoor pool?

Tree species will be selected thoughtfully by the design team and City Arborists in order to limit leaf litter. Trees will be strategically located to provide additional wind protection, yet will be located far enough from the pool itself to minimize the amount of leaf litter that enters the water. Pool covers will be in-place over night to further reduce leaf litter in the pools when not in use. State of the art pool filtration systems, maintenance personnel and robotic vacuum cleaners will address any leaves in the pool.

Locker/changing areas at the existing Orange Pool are small and often crowded. How will crowding be addressed in the new facility?

Locker rooms are sized to exceed typical recommendations for pool facilities of this size. The design also exceeds code requirements with additional lockers, benches, showers, and restroom and toilet fixtures, and changing areas. The design includes two gender neutral/family changing rooms to allow for additional changing areas. One of which will include an adult sized changing table. Several deck showers are also present for the indoor and outdoor pools.

Why doesn’t the outdoor pool have a roof?

Construction of a roof, along with necessary support structure, glazing, lighting and ventilation is roughly $1,000 per square foot and would greatly exceed the project budget. Adding a roof to the outdoor pool would require approximately $42 million in additional funding – nearly double the $49 million project budget. Funding is not available at this time for this expense.

Is the cost of wind screening elements included in the project budget?

Prevailing winds in South San Francisco come from the northwest, with occasional off-shore winds from the south. A robust wind protection element along these edges of the outdoor pool is accounted for in the project budget, as well as a modest wind protection element on the east side of the pool deck.

Are all locker/changing rooms indoors?

All locker/changing rooms are indoors. A set of men’s and women’s locker rooms along with two gender neutral/family changing rooms are accessed from the lobby and indoor pool deck. Another set of indoor men’s and women’s locker rooms is accessed from the outdoor pool deck. In addition to indoor showers, deck showers will be available at the indoor and outdoor pool decks.

Why not build a 50-meter pool?

A 50-meter pool was explored but found infeasible due to impacts to other park programs (soccer, special events, and other game play / activities on the lawn area), greater parking demands and the additional construction costs associated with a larger pool footprint.

Will in-water ledges to support swim lessons be included at either pool?

Ledges and other built-in and moveable elements will be incorporated for lessons, recreation and therapy type activities.

Why include a beach entry when it takes up so much space?

Beach entry is highly desired for learn to swim programs, fun water play, lessons and individuals with mobility challenges who may have difficulty using chairlifts or steps.

Can the outdoor pool be accessed without entering the building?

Entry to both pools will be typically controlled through the front lobby. During special events/competitions, access to the outdoor pool may be controlled by staff from exterior gates.

Will there be diving boards?

While there have been some requests for diving boards, during our community outreach workshops, events and surveys, this amenity was not favored as much as other competing amenities. Diving boards require deep water. Increasing the pool depth to accommodate diving boards would result in additional soil stabilization and mitigation, which is beyond the project budget. However, both the indoor and outdoor pools are designed to accommodate starting blocks for training and competition.

Will there be diving blocks?

Yes, both pools will include diving blocks where depth requirements are achieved for lap and competitive swim.

Will there be markings on the pool bottom and walls for swim competitions?

Markings will be included in both pools in the 25-yard direction. Markings at the outdoor pool in the 25-meter direction will also be included.

Will there be opportunities for solar panels or wind turbines to generate electricity to offset the pool’s utility needs?

The design team explored various options to provide on-site energy generation including geothermal, wind turbines, photovoltaic and traditional solar panels. The City intends to provide solar panels for electricity generation. Batteries for storage and back-up energy are also being explored.

What will happen with the Veterans Memorial?

The Veterans Memorial elements, including the Eternal Flame sculpture and commemorative plaques will be relocated to a new Veteran’s Memorial along the pedestrian pathway between the new Aquatic Center, Fernekes Building and playground. The Veteran’s Memorial will include a new flagpole, lighting, concrete wall to accommodate existing and future commemorative plaques and the Eternal Flame sculpture, accessible paving and seating.

Will both the indoor and outdoor pools be heated?

The indoor pool is expected to be heated at or around the current indoor pool temperature, ~83 degrees. The outdoor pool will also be heated to a comfortable temperature, closer to 78-80 degrees, which is typical for more vigorous lap swimming pools.

Will the new aquatic facility include a sauna?

Operation of a sauna at a municipal facility presents health and safety risks and necessitates extra staff time for maintenance and surveillance. As part of public outreach, other program areas were prioritized in lieu of a sauna. Therefore, a sauna is not planned for the new Aquatic Center.

Will there be adult changing tables for individuals with special needs?

One of the family changing rooms will be equipped with an adult changing table.

Are the soils at the site of the new Aquatic Center contaminated?

The soils themselves are not considered ‘contaminated’ as no pollutants have been identified within the soils.

How much parking will the new facility offer?

In addition to parking available at the Tennis Drive Parking Lot, a new parking lot will include 13 parking spaces, 6 of which will be wheelchair accessible.

Will the pools include ADA lifts?

Both the indoor and outdoor pools will have ADA lifts. The indoor pool also includes a sloped entry with handrails.

What is the estimated construction cost for the pools and structures?

The engineers estimate for total construction, including soil stabilization and mitigation is tracking at $43M.

How is the project funded?

Total project costs are funded through a Measure W bond sale that occurred in 2022.

When will the new pools open?

The new aquatic facility is anticipated to open in Spring 2025. Total project completion, including demolition of the existing Orange Pool and construction of the new parking lot and Veteran’s Memorial, is anticipated for end of 2025.

Is groundwater anticipated to be an issue during construction?

Testing at the site does not indicate groundwater will be an issue. Any issues during construction will be resolved as part of the soil stabilization process.

In response to the request for clarification of swimming pool water disinfection and sanitation and the use of different systems such as chlorine, ultraviolet, and ozone please see the following:

  • California code requires all public swimming pools maintain a disinfectant residual at all times.
  • Chlorine is the only halogen approved for residual disinfectant in public pool water.
  • Ozone (O3) and Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection systems are point of contact disinfectants and cannot maintain a residual in pool water.
  • O3 and UV systems that are certified by an accredited testing agency for cryptosporidium in activation can be used as secondary disinfectants.
  • California health code requires a secondary disinfectant for spraygrounds and swimming pools using interactive play in wading depth waters.
  • UV is typically used for indoor swimming pools to help control the formation of undesirable chlorine byproducts, which cause chlorine odors and irritation.
  • UV is typically the technology of choice over O3 given the ease of operation, the cost of operation, and verifiability of its operation.
  • The indoor pool will be specified with UV secondary disinfection to control chlorine byproducts and due to interactive play features.
  • A computerized controller will constantly monitor the levels of chlorine and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) to ensure the proper levels of chlorine and increased water quality.
  • The computerized controller can be monitored by staff via computers, smart tablets and smart phones.
  • Both the indoor pool and outdoor pool will be equipped with computerized controllers.
  • The outdoor pool will not operate with a UV system due to its lack of efficacy in an outdoor setting.


For additional questions or information that is not listed here, please email and a staff member will respond to you.


1 West Orange Avenue,  94080  View Map