Markers and Walking Tours

SSF Historical Grand Walking Tour

Free map and self-guided walking tour of historical landmarks in the Grand Avenue downtown area.

Grand Walking Tour(PDF, 1MB)

Walking Tour #1

Tour #1 covers 11 historical sites, is approximately 1.25 miles in length, and takes about 45 minutes to walk. We ask that you not disturb the occupants of private homes. To receive a copy of the Walking Tour #1 Brochure(PDF, 1MB), email

Walking #2

Tour #2 covers 11 additional historic sites, is approximately 1.25 miles in length, and takes about 45 minutes to walk. We ask that you not disturb the occupants of private homes. To receive a copy of the Walking Tour #2 Brochure(PDF, 210KB), email

Historical Marker Site Locations

To visit various historical marker sites, please review the attached site list(PDF, 34KB) and map(PDF, 2MB).