Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center


The new 43,000 square foot Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center will be a sophisticated modern facility. This facility will reduce police emergency response times and enhance public safety by providing a state-of-the-art Emergency Response Center.

The project will provide efficient space for administration, operations, investigation, property storage, evidence storage, support services, emergency dispatch, training, and classrooms for police and community use.

Key considerations in the design include opportunities for the public to interface with the officers as well as police training, education and public outreach.

Police / 911 Updates

Current Update

Last Updated: Nov. 2020

On October 23, 2020, a key milestone was reached on the Community Civic Campus Project with the completion of design and bidding for the new Library, Parks & Recreation and Community Theater/Council Chamber (LPR). Following the submittal of the project for a building permit on April 10, 2020, the bid package was completed and advertised on September 4, 2020.

City Staff staff received and publicly opened (via teleconference due to San Mateo County Covid-19 protocols) four responsive bids from Hensel Phelps Construction Co., Skanska USA Building Inc., Swinerton Builders, and Webcor Construction LP dba Webcor. After further review of all the bids, city staff determined the lowest responsible bidder was Swinerton Builders of San Francisco, California.

At the November 9, 2020 City Council meeting, city staff recommended to City Council acceptance of Swinerton Builders base bid of $75,608,971.00 and all Additive Alternates (alternates 1-5) that total $5,764,000.00. City will hold $10,000,000.00 for construction related contingency and thus a total hard (construction) cost of $91,372,971.00

Presentation to City Council on November 9, 2020 with LPR project updates and other details. (PDF, 2MB)

Additive Alternates Include:

  1. Playground (excluding exterior toilet room)
  2. Exterior Toilet Room
  3. Two new Streetlights along Antoinette Lane at Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center
  4. Sidewalk Extension at El Camino Real Frontage
  5. Portion of Centennial Trail at Proposed Oak Avenue Intersection (PUC/Oak Ave)

Project cost includes approximately $9.6M for soft costs. Soft cost include:

  1. Permit and fees (for various agencies such as Caltrans & BART)
  2. Special inspection and material testing services
  3. Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E)
  4. Other costs as a result of construction  

At the time of construction contract award, city staff presented an updated total project budget of $101,000,000.00 which includes both the Hard and Soft costs (total project construction cost).

With the construction contract award, SmithGroup the architect of record will conclude the design phase and shift into the Construction Administration phase. In this phase, the architect will oversee project construction, review the project for conformance to design, and clarify design details to facilitate construction. 

Project is currently on track to start construction in January 2021 with an anticipated construction duration of (28) months.

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Phase One Update: Apr. 2020

In approximately 18 months, the more than 100 employees of the South San Francisco Police Department will have a new state-of-the-art Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center to call home. The nearly 43,000 square foot facility will house the 911 Emergency Center, administrative services, records, communications, investigations, property and evidence, patrol, physical training, a classroom and firing range. 

The development of the new Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the residents of South San Francisco passing Measure W, a half-cent sales tax, back in 2015. The District tax went into effect April 1, 2016. The passage of Measure W ensures that the City of South San Francisco is able to maintain and enhance locally controlled City services that the community cares about and has come to expect - including neighborhood police patrols, 911 response times, crime and gang suppression programs, street maintenance and pothole repair, and other essential services.

The location of the new Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center (former Pet Club store) was acquired by the City in 2017 from the former South San Francisco Redevelopment Agency in 2008 for redevelopment.

City staff awarded the contract to Swinerton Builders on January 8, 2020 and issued formal Notice to Proceed (NTP) to start construction on February 20, 2020. The total construction budget for the Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center is $52,553,015, which is on budget with the city engineer's estimate for cost of construction.

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Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center Level 1 and 2 Plans: Feb. 2019


Level 1 of the main building will include spaces for patrol, records, criminal investigations, evidence processing and storage, building support, recreation administration, and a public lobby with an adjacent community room and public restrooms.

The free-standing one-story building includes a firing range, evidence storage, and other support spaces. 

Level 2 is for police administration, communications, 911 call center, investigations, locker room and training, offices, and meeting spaces.

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Police Operations & 911 Dispatch Center Facility Site: Feb. 2019

The new Police Facility is located within the Community Civic Campus to the north of the Library and Parks & Recreation Building, and across Antoinette Lane. 

The architectural design of this facility is intended to complement the uniqueness of the Library and Parks & Recreation building and together create a significant civic presence for the City of South San Francisco.

This facility will include 43,300 square feet and provide South San Francisco with a new and modern building to house the expanding police department. The main building is two stories tall. A detached one-story building, located behind the main building, will house various police support and specialized training facilities. The site will include approximately 70 secure, covered parking spaces for police protection and privacy.

This portion of the project is expected to cost about $56 million.

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Building Designs

Update: Aug. 2018

On August 22, 2018, City Council unanimously approved the Concept Masterplan(PDF, 2MB) for the new Community Civic Campus project.  Immediately following Council’s approval, the design team was directed to proceed with developing the schematic design of the new campus buildings.

Schematic design is the first design phase where design options are explored that illustrate the general scope, scale and relationship of project components.  Over the next four (4) months, the SmithGroup team will advance the design of the Library & Recreation Building, Police, and Fire Stations, as well as campus site.  Each building will be analyzed based on the technical aspects of the site, preferred spatial adjacencies, building circulation, building systems and material aesthetics.  The SmithGroup will present design options to obtain further input on stakeholder preferences. Once the design parameters are established, the team will advance the preferred scheme and develop the building geometry, site orientation, floor plans and building elevations. 

The City encourages you to stay involved in this exciting project and continue to visit this website for more updates.