PEG - Public Educational Government Channel

Please Tune to the Following Cable Channels to View the PEG Channel

  • Astound - CH 26
  • Comcast - CH 27
  • AT&T U-verse - CH 99

Purpose of the PEG Channel

  • To provide a convenient and information-rich resource for residents, visitors, businesses, non-profit organizations, other public agencies, and schools to access their city government.
  • To make public proceedings and events more accessible to City residents by providing footage of City Council, Planning
  • Commission, and other local government meetings.
  • To provide more extensive information on important City issues and activities.
  • To promote City-sponsored or City co-sponsored special events.
  • To employ the latest technology to improve customer service and communication relating to issues of interest within the City and its surrounding area.
  • To contribute to the improvement of City services, foster economic development, and enhance the sense of community within the City.
  • To act as a source of information during local emergencies.

Policy Regarding the PEG Channel

The PEG Channel is a non-public forum. While the City encourages the public to use the PEG Channel to access information and resources, the City expressly reserves the right to impose certain restrictions on the use of its PEG Channel. The PEG Channel is reserved for the exclusive control of the City for the purposes of one-way communication to residents of the City. The PEG Channel shall not be used to facilitate a general debate or the free exchange of ideas.

Programming Priorities for the Channel

  • Emergency programming involving public health, safety, or welfare.
  • Programming of or about meetings of local legislative and policy-making bodies, including the City Council,
  • Redevelopment Agency, and Planning Commission.
  • Programming of City departments and their services.
  • Programming of local and regional government boards, commissions and/or agencies.
  • Programming of City-sponsored or co-sponsored events and activities, including announcements about services or activities offered by non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that meet the City’s strategic or operational goals, including: assisting persons in locating housing, housing discrimination assistance, or homeownership; assist people in finding employment or training opportunities; provide non-elective healthcare, and other human and social services; provide information or access to the arts, humanities, culture or education; improve neighborhoods; provide information or resources for neighborhood revitalization, code enforcement and/or crime prevention; enhance business development and economic development opportunities locally and regionally.
  • Programming sponsored by private or public utilities that service City residents or businesses specifically to assist individuals relocating to the City.

Operational Procedures Regarding the PEG Channel

The IT Director is responsible for maintaining the integrity of contents placed on the City’s PEG Channel based on these policies and procedures. Upon receiving requests for material to be broadcast, the IT Director will determine if the proposed material is consistent with this Administrative Instruction. If the IT Director concludes that the proposed material violates this Administrative Instruction, his or her decision may be appealed to the City Manager.

The City reserves the right to refuse any request for PEG Channel programming that it deems in violation of the mission, goals, and policies of the City’s PEG Channel.