
All are Welcome in South San Francisco

The City of South San Francisco is a strong proponent of inclusiveness of race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, and socioeconomic background in all aspects of the community. In 2016, a community-led Diversity Committee was assembled to host events and bring awareness of the issues these groups face.

Join the City in creating an inclusive environment!

See the South San Francisco Resolution supporting Diversity(PDF, 174KB)

The City of South San Francisco is dedicated to remedying racial and social inequities that occur to those who are most vulnerable. If you have a complaint, concern, or recommendation to help support addressing these inequities, please complete this form(PDF, 824KB)

City Wins 2020 City Cultural Diversity Awards

The City of South San Francisco was awarded the 2020 National League of Cities (NLC) Cultural Diversity Award!

“The demographics of our cities, towns, and villages are changing and our local elected officials are responding positively to ensure our communities are inclusive, welcoming, and adaptive,” said NLC President and Los Angeles City Council President Pro Tempore Joe Buscaino. “We are excited to celebrate these municipalities that are leading the way in embracing diversity."


In 1995, the National League of Cities National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO), established the City Cultural Diversity Awards as a means of demonstrating quality and innovation in the many aspects of cultural diversity. This award program is designed to:

  • Encourage citizen involvement in local government-sponsored activities;
  • Enhance and show the appreciation of cultural diversity as a way of life in our municipalities.

The City Cultural Diversity Awards Program showcases examples of how cities achieve excellence in diversity. It also promotes the positive results of "a total community collaboration." The awards are given to honor community leadership in developing creative and effective programs to improve cultural diversity.

Get Out and Vote!

The City also wants to encourage you to Get Out and Vote! In order to do so, you must register here.

More Diversity Information