FAQ - Measure W

What type of tax was passed by the voters with Measure W?

Measure W is a District tax, which is a type of sales and use tax. For further information visithttps://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/taxes-and-fees/local-and-district-taxes.htm

How much is the tax?

The District tax is one-half percent (.5%). That is an additional $0.50 in tax for $100 of items subject to the tax.
When does the tax go into effect?

What items are subject to tax?

Items that are currently subject to sales tax are also subject to the District tax. Exceptions include prescription drugs, groceries from a grocery store or farmers' market, real estate transactions and services (such as barber/hair styling, car repairs and work by plumbers/electricians/carpenters). In addition, existing leases prior to the effective date do not apply to Measure W.

How much revenue will the City receive from the tax?

The City's tax consultant estimates that the District tax will bring in $7 million in revenue on an annual basis. Because of the unique sourcing rules, an exact estimate is difficult to predict.

What kind of oversight will be put in place?

The City Council will appoint a citizens oversight committee to ensure that the revenues received from Measure W are used in alignment with the services and projects stated in the ballot measure language. The City undergoes an annual audit by an independent audit firm to ensure that the City's financial records are kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and adheres to internal control best practices. In addition, the City Council has designated a two member Budget Subcommittee of the Council to review city wide financial information on a more detailed basis prior to the full Council review.

What is my Sales and Use Tax Rate?

The following link will take you to the State Board of Equalization's website where you can enter an address to determine the correct tax rate -

How does Measure W impact local services?

Measure W will help maintain and enhance local services, including:

  • 9-1-1 emergency response times
  •  Neighborhood police patrols
  • Crime and gang suppression programs
  • Programs for seniors and disabled residents
The District tax went in to effect April 1, 2016.

Where can I get more information about Measure W?

For more information, please visit www.ssf.net. If you have any specific questions please contact (650) 829-6603 or CommunityCivicCampus@ssf.net.