Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Information

Campaign Disclosure Forms and Filings

Pursuant to the Political Reform Act and/or certain local conflict of interest rules Local Officeholders, certain City Employees and Candidates are required to complete various forms written by the FPPC on an annual, semi annual or campaign schedule driven basis.

Using the links below, become familiar with the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) website, candidate filing requirements included in Campaign Disclosure Manual, and filing deadlines. The FPPC will be conducting candidate and treasurer seminars that will provide information on campaign reporting, and Political Reform Act's requirements and prohibitions

Form 501, Candidate Intention Statement

Prior to soliciting or receiving campaign contributions, a candidate must file a Form 501, Candidate Intention Statement, with the City Clerk. State law requires the filing of campaign disclosure statements by local candidates for elective office, elected officeholders, and committees supporting or opposing local candidates or ballot measures. Statements are filed on a regular cycle, with additional statements required during election years. These statements provide the public with details on who contributes money to a committee, and how that money is spent. Those involved with campaign committees should become fully aware of the legal requirements surrounding campaign reporting.

Form 410, Statement of Organization Recipient Committee

An officeholder or candidate who receives contributions totaling $2,000 within a calendar year qualifies as a recipient committee and must file a Form 410 with the Secretary of State within 10 days of qualifying. When filing the Form 410, include a $50 payment made payable to the Secretary of State. If your committee has not yet reached the $2,000 threshold, but you would like to obtain a committee ID number then please submit the From 410 and mark the “not yet qualified” box. The $50 fee is requested at this time but is not legally required until the group qualifies as a committee.

Form 460, Recipient Committee Campaign Statement

Campaign contribution and expenditures must also be reported. The Form 460 is filed by candidates or officeholders who have controlled committee, or who have raised or spent or will raise or spend $2,00 or more during a calendar year in connection with the election to office. The Form 460 indicates the name, address, occupation and employer of contributors as well as the name, address and purpose for which payments have been made. It also outlines how much was raised and spent during that specific reporting period and in total for the calendar year. Detailed itemization is required for contributions received from a single source totaling $100 or more; expenditures of $100 or more; accrued expenses of $100 or more; and miscellaneous increases to cash of $100 or more. The law does not allow addresses to be posted online, however that information may be available in the City Clerk's Office.

Form 470, Officeholders and Candidate Campaign Statement Short Form

The Form 470 is filed by candidates and officeholders who do not have a controlled committee; do not anticipate receiving contributions totaling $2,000 or more during the calendar year; and do not anticipate spending $2,000 or more during the calendar year.

Form 700, Statement of Economic Interest

Candidates must also disclose all of their economic interest to qualify as a candidate by filing a Form 700 which is due with the nomination papers.

For more information on campaign provisions of the Political Reform Act, please see the Fair Political Practices Commission's Campaign Disclosure Manual 2.


If you have questions about what you are required to file, where to file it, or when to file it, please visit the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) website or call toll free at 1-866-ASK-FPPC.

For additional forms, please visit www.fppc.ca.gov.