Mobility 20/20

Mobility 20/20

Working Together to Reduce Traffic Congestion and Improve Access to Public Transit East of 101

New Successes Mean New Challenges

Our economy in South San Francisco has been booming, particularly east of 101 (E101), with exciting careers and the world’s leading biotech companies in our own backyard. However, with this sustained growth comes new challenges, especially around transportation. Traffic congestion is worse than ever before and much of E101 lacks adequate public transit for the first and last mile traveled. The City recognizes that action is needed now and is exploring the possibility of creating a Community Facilities District (CFD) to address transportation problems east of 101 and fund investments in traffic and public transit improvements.

By the Numbers - today vs 2040




Current and Future Problems

Crippling Traffic & Inadequate Public Transit

As E101 continues to grow, traffic conditions will reach extremely severe levels by 2040 and many key intersections will no longer function.

Traffic Bottlenecks

  • Only four connections across 101
  • Outdated and undersized road infrastructure cannot support current traffic needs

Inadequate Public Transit, Which Results in:

  • Infrequent BART and Caltrain service
  • First and last mile not served

Poor Interconnectivity of Local Streets

  • Road system designed for past industrial use rather than intensive demands of 21st-century economy
  • Bicycle and pedestrian network lacking and unsafe


The Solution

A Community of Willing Property Owners Working Together

The proposed Community Facilities District (CFD) consists of 348 property owners occupying 20 million square feet of R&D, office and industrial space and needs the support of two-thirds of willing property owners within the CFD. Each willing property owner will have the chance to cast a vote in favor or against the CFD, with votes weighted based on total acreage at a rate of one vote per one acre. If approved, the CFD will provide a dedicated source of local funding to:

  • Reduce traffic congestion and eliminate bottlenecks
  • Provide infrastructure to improve last mile solutions, which could help increase access to public transit, including BART, Caltrain and ferry service
  • Improve local infrastructure to allow better flow of traffic
  • Promote alternate modes of transportation, including bicycles, pedestrians, employer shuttles and ride-sharing services


The Specifics - Recommended E101 Improvements


1. Utah Avenue/101 Interchange Bottleneck Alleviation

  • New on/off ramps
  • New overpass connecting E101 to the rest of the City
  • Northbound 101 improvements

2. Direct Connection to Highway 380 and Littlefield Avenue

  • Allow travelers from 280 to completely forgo 101

3. Improved Access to Caltrain

  • Safe, protected access for bicyclists and pedestrians
  • New East Grand Avenue 101 off ramp

4. Increased BART, Caltrain and Ferry Access and Frequency

  • Improved transit infrastructure
  • Improved shuttle stops
  • Expanded bicycle and pedestrian routes through east of 101


For More Information

A solution to E101’s traffic and transit challenges only exists if the City and property owners work together. Your input is important to us and we want to know what you think. If you’d like to learn more about the challenges facing the E101 area and our proposed solution, check out our E101 CFD presentation here or contact the City Manager’s office at