Storm Preparation

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Storm preparations continue in anticipation of a very wet predicted winter season. The City is taking a prudent stance to prepare for possible significant rainstorms by identifying high-risk trees, inspecting storm drains and culverts, clearing debris and vegetation from natural creek areas and more.

The community is encouraged to take precautions and prepare for the upcoming storm season as well. View the helpful resources and tips below and download our flyer for additional ways to be storm ready.

What should you do to prepare?

Stay Informed

Staying informed is critical during disasters and other emergency situations! San Mateo County Alert System, "SMC Alert," is a free alert notification system used to immediately contact you during urgent or emergency situations. Notifications will be sent to you via text on your cell phone or via email. You will be notified quickly of floods, fires, road closures, planned events with traffic disruptions, etc.

The City of South San Francisco and other agencies throughout San Mateo County are also utilizing Genasys/Zonehaven to communicate areas being evaluated due to fire or other emergencies and letting individuals know when it is safe to return to their subscribed zone. Download the free Genasys Protect app today to identify your zone number and get familiar with the mapping program to track evacuation zones.

Know Your Zone

Do you live in a flood zone? Find out here.

Do you have flood insurance? Check insurance policies for adequate coverage. Most policies do not cover damage due to flooding. Plan ahead, there is typically a 30 day waiting period before policies go into effect. Make copies of all important documents; make sure originals are stored safely somewhere outside of your home (like a safe deposit box).

Check Your Property

  • Clear drains, rain gutters, and downspouts of debris.
  • Trim trees and landscape as needed to ensure that branches and limbs are clear of your structure and clear from overhead power lines. You may submit an online service request on EngageSSF or call Parks Maintenance at (650) 829-3837 if trees have grown over or around power lines on your property.
  • Inspect your roof for any signs of damage or needed repairs. Make arrangements for the repairs before water starts to leak inside your property.
  • Stabilize slopes on your property to prevent mud and landslides.
  • Secure outdoor furniture and other loose items from causing damage during periods of heavy winds.

Use Sandbags in Areas Known for Flooding Around Your Property

Make Plans

  • Make an emergency plan for your family and build a disaster supply kit. Remember that local phone lines may be busy during a disaster, so designate a family member to contact outside of the area.
  • Stock up on food, water, and medicine so you don’t have to go out during the storms. This storm season is predicted to bring periods of long, back-to-back storms that may make it difficult to run your everyday errands.
  • Don’t forget about your pet’s needs. Stock up on their food and medicine too and make sure their ID tags are up to date.
  • Check on your elderly neighbors to see if they need any assistance with storm preparations.

See Something That Needs Our Attention?

There's an app for that! Our mobile phone and online application, Engage SSF, is a great tool to report non-emergency issues to facilitate storm preparations in your area.

City Resources

Emergency Phone Numbers

  • San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services (OES) - (650) 363-4790
  • California Office of Emergency Services - (916) 464-1013
  • To report downed wires or power lines, a power outage, a gas leak or other related emergency, call PG&E - (800) 743-5000 or call 911
  • Red Cross Disaster Services - (650) 259-1750


Contact or call (650) 877-8550.