
Traffic Calming Program

The City of South San Francisco Traffic Calming Program is currently being developed to provide policies and procedures that will act as guidelines to help the TAC address traffic complaints related to excessive speeding, cut-through traffic, and high vehicular volumes while maintaining pedestrian and vehicular safety. These guidelines are primarily intended to be used by the TAC, residents, and business owners interested in developing traffic calming plans, and may also be helpful for members of the general public that are interested in finding out how the City of South San Francisco implements traffic calming.

The Traffic Calming Program includes:

  • A description of the process for residents and business owners to request traffic calming plans.
  • A description of the prioritization process for selecting projects within a given time frame and/or budget.
  • A toolbox of traffic calming measures.
  • As needed, this Traffic Calming Program will be a living document, undergoing changes over time.

Traffic Advisory Committee

The City of South San Francisco created the Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) to help expedite various trafficrequests received from residents and business owners. The TAC is comprised of representatives of the City’s Planning Division, Engineering Division, Public Works Department, Fire Department, and Police Department.

To have your request reviewed by TAC, please complete a Traffic Advisory Committee Request Form(PDF, 232KB) in as much detail as possible. Please be sure to include any sketches or images, if necessary, to support your request. You may submit the completed form to the Engineering Division by either fax, email, or by hand-delivering or mailing it to 315 Maple Avenue.

Once the Engineering Division receives your completed form indicating your request, it will be included in the agenda for the upcoming meeting. Please note that TAC meetings are not public meetings and are attended by City staff only. These meetings are typically scheduled on the 4th Wednesday of each month, subject to staff availability.

Following the TAC meeting, you will receive a written response indicating the Committee’s action regarding your request. If you have any questions or need any further information regarding TAC, please contact the Engineering Division at (650) 829-6652 or email

AB 413 Daylighting Law

There have been new revisions to California Vehicle Code 22500(n)(1)(A): Assembly Bill413 will prohibit parking 20 feet in advance of crosswalks. Enforcement and citations begin Jan. 1, 2025. Read more here about the revised California Vehicle Code 22500(n)(1)(A).

Contact Us

Engineering Division
315 Maple Ave.
South San Francisco, CA 94080
For non-emergency issues only

Phone: 650-829-6652
Fax: 650-829-6689


Monday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed from 12-1 for lunch)