Smoking Ordinance - Multi-Unit Housing

In November 2016, the City of South San Francisco updated its smoking ordinance (Chapter 8.50 Regulation of Smoking). Under the updated ordinance, as of May 9, 2017, smoking will be prohibited inside any multi-unit residence in the City (except within those units with existing leases who are not subject to this prohibition until their lease expires, or November 9, 2017, whichever date is sooner). The updated ordinance also prohibits smoking in any enclosed or unenclosed multi-unit residence common areas. The use of electronic smoking devices is also prohibited in multi-unit residences and common areas. We strongly encourage you to review the entire amended Chapter 8.50: “Regulation of Smoking” of the City’s Municipal Code.

As you are likely aware, tobacco smoke poses major health risks to smokers and those in the vicinity of smokers alike. In 2008, the U.S. Surgeon General concluded that there is no safe or risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure and that even brief exposure to secondhand smoke can be harmful.

Finally, if you or someone you know has decided to quit smoking, the San Mateo County Health System will provide cessation (quit smoking) services and nicotine replacement patches at no cost to you. For additional information and support, please call San Mateo County’s Smoke Free Hotline at (650) 573-3777 or email the San Mateo County Tobacco Prevention Program at

It is unlawful for any landlord or other person to take any retaliatory action against an individual for reporting a violation of an MUH smoking ordinance. Please note, residents can report violations anonymously.

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Or call the Code Enforcement Hotline at (650) 829-6682.