Tobacco Prevention Program

In 1988, the California Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act 9Prop. 99) was passed by the voters, creating a statewide, comprehensive tobacco control program. Prop. 99 levied a twenty-five-cent ta on tobacco products and placed new restrictions on the sale of tobacco. With the revenue generated by this initiative, the County established the Tobacco Prevention Program (TPP) in 1989 as part of the statewide network to educate the community on tobacco-related health and policy issues. The TPP's 2014-2017 Program Goals and Interventions included:

  • Reducing exposure to secondhand smoke by implementing smoke-free multiunit housing policies
  • Engaging youth in tobacco control and amending tobacco retail ordinances to broaden the definition of a tobacco product
  • Reducing the availability of tobacco by eliminating tobacco sales in pharmacies/healthcare settings

The TPP provides a number of resources for county residents, including a hotline for the public to report problems with exposure to SHS and guidance to address those issues on the Smoke-Free Housing web page.

In 2016, voters passed the California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act (Prop. 56), which increased the excise taxes on tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, by $2. With this increased tax revenue, the TPP's annual funding allocation from the California Department of Public Health's Tobacco Control Program increased from $150,000 in FY2016-2017 to $784,000 in FY2017-2018. As a result, the TPP is expanding its operations to include:

  • Education initiatives for city officials, residents, property managers, and the public on the dangers of secondhand smoke and effective methods to implement MUH smoking ordinances
  • Assistance for MUH communities with signage and monitoring compliance