New Park at Linden Avenue & Pine Avenue

Linden Park

Project Overview

The park at Linden Avenue & Pine Avenue will provide a brand new public space for South City residents to gather, connect, and play. The future park’s design will be determined based on what we hear from the community. The design process will consider temporary, partial or full closure of Pine Avenue to create a connected park space.

Site History

The site's previous use as an automotive repair shop included underground oil and gas tanks. After that closed, the tanks and surrounding contaminated soil were hauled off site and groundwater was routinely tested until the County confirmed it met low-risk requirements. To confirm it was safe to use a park, an environmental consultant was hired to collect soil samples between the surface and 10 feet below grade. No petroleum hydrocarbons were detected and lead concentrations were below environmental screening levels for residential use. Based on the State’s Low-Threat Underground Storage Tank Case Closure Policy, the soil meets the criteria for direct contact and outdoor air exposure and the site can be used as a park.

  • 1940s to early 2000s - Volonte Automotive was a repair shop at 616 Linden Avenue from the 1940s to early 2000s
  • 1993 - Gasoline and waste oil underground storage tanks were removed in 1993, and an environmental case was opened and overseen by San Mateo County Groundwater Protection Program
  • 1993 to 2001- 440 tons of contaminated soil were removed from the property and groundwater samples were collected routinely
  • 2001 - San Mateo County closed the case under Regional Water Board guidance for low risk fuel sites in 2001 as it was deemed safe for public use
  • 2023 - Soil testing in June 2023 confirmed it is safe to use the property for a park (based on State policy for former gasoline stations)

Project Fact Sheets (English/Spanish)(PDF, 1MB)


Project Budget

The total project budget for design and construction is $5.5 million.

Proposed Schedule

Linden Park Project timeline


Project Updates

Merchants' Round Table - 5/30/24

May 30th, 2024, Thursday  |  2:00 – 3:00pm  |  Amoura Restaurant, 713 Linden Ave., SSF

City staff and the design team held a focus group session with the neighboring business owners at Amoura’s restaurant, across the street from the new park. The discussion centered on business-specific topics such as parking, loading, safety, activation and customer experience. The group also looked at examples showing how other parks have supported surrounding businesses, including drawing in more daily customers and providing outdoor seating options. The design team will integrate what was learned into the upcoming park concepts to create a win-win for both neighbors and businesses.

Linden Park Merchants' Roundtable flyer

Visioning Pop-Up - 5/1/24

Visioning Pop-Up | 700 Linden Ave | Wednesday, May 1, 2024

On Saturday, April 13, 2024, the City of South San Francisco sponsored an Open House & Listening Session to create the vision for a new park at the intersection of Linden Ave. and Pine Ave. The event was held in the parking lot at 616 Linden Ave., from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants had the opportunity to describe their current and past activities at the site and comment on potential preferences for the new park. Along with speaking directly with City and design representatives, participants used various methods to share their ideas and priorities. Preliminary results show a preference for community gathering and play spaces.

Missed it? Join us at the next public Visioning Event - Wednesday, May 1st from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. - at the new park location, 700 Linden Ave.

Next Steps:  After the public Visioning events, several design alternatives will be developed and shared with the public for additional input in June and July. Your feedback will help guide the final concept plan for the new park. Sign up to receive project updates to be notified of the next events for input.

Open House - 4/13/24

Linden Park Open House flyer English

Linden Park Open House flyer Spanish


Additional Information

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What is the design process? 

The three key phases to community engagement during the design phase are: 

Phase 1: Visioning: March - May
Phase 2: Alternatives Designs: June - July
Phase 3: Final Concept: September - October 

How can people share ideas and inform the design? 

Engagement activities will include Open Houses, Pop-Up Events, Stakeholder Interviews, Focus Group Meetings, and Surveys. Be sure to sign up for the mailing list to receive notices about future outreach opportunities. 

How can I stay informed about the design? 

The project webpage will include latest designs, upcoming engagement opportunities, and past meeting materials.  Be sure to sign up for the mailing list to receive notices about future outreach opportunities. 

How can I learn about engagement opportunities? 

Sign up to receive updates about the project at our newsletter subscribe page.  

How are you reaching out to the community? 

Regular email newsletters, direct mailers, hand delivered flyers, social media, word of mouth with community members. 

Is the site contaminated?

Gasoline and waste oil underground storage tanks were removed in 1993, and an environmental case was opened and overseen by San Mateo County Groundwater Protection Program.  Between 1993 and 2001, 440 tons of contaminated soil were removed from the property and groundwater samples were collected routinely. Extensive soil testing was completed in June 2023 and again in February 2024. In accordance with state and county health department policy for former gasoline station sites, testing confirmed the site is safe for use as a park. 

Lead soil was identified in a small portion of the 616 Linden Ave parcel.  While deemed safe for use as a park with the soil capped on-site, the project will voluntarily remove the soil as part of the park construction project.   

Will there be on-site parking?

Design alternatives will explore opportunities to create street and on-site parking.

Will Pine Ave. be closed as part of this project? 

Circulation options are being explored, some of which include closing Pine Ave to through traffic.  All options, if considered, will include circulation for emergency vehicles, trash pick up, and neighborhood egress. 

Will there be a restroom facility at the park?

Generally, neighborhood parks do not have public restrooms.

How will the park be maintained?

The City is committed to providing regular maintenance of the park space, including plantings, irrigation, lighting and general cleaning. 

How is the project funded?

The project is funded through a combination of State Grants, Park Impact Fees and developer contributions. 


For additional questions or information that is not listed here, please email and a staff member will respond to you.


Linden Ave & Pine Ave,  94080  View Map

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