Middle School Sports

ball being kicked

Welcome to the South San Francisco Parks and Recreation Department Middle School Sports information page.

Middle School Sports are available to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students that attend Alta Loma, Westborough and Parkway Middle Schools or is a resident of South San Francisco. Sports include:


The badminton program begins practices in March. No one is cut; everyone participates who signs up. Space is limited based on league signups and court availability at match site.

League matches are held the last week of April through the end of May at various league school sites. All practices and matches are during the week and practices start no earlier than 4:00 p.m. Once matches begin team generally practice once a week.

For more information click on the registration icon or call (650) 829-4680.


  • 7/8 Grade – November to January
  • 6 Grade – January to March

The 7th & 8th grade boy’s and girl’s program has tryouts the beginning of November and practice begins the following week.

League games start the beginning of December, and the program concludes the third week of January. All practices and games are during the week and start no earlier than 4:00 p.m.

The 6th grade boy’s and girl’s program have tryouts in February and practice begins the following week.

League games start in mid-February and the program concludes the end of March. All practices and games are during the week and start no earlier than 4:00 p.m.

For more information click on the registration icon for information or call (650) 829-4680.

Coed Flag Football

The flag football program has tryouts at the end of August (generally one week after school begins) and practices begin at the beginning of September.

 League games begin the end of September, and the program concludes the end of October. All practices and games are during the week and start no earlier than 4:00 p.m.

For more information click on the registration icon for information or call (650) 829-4680.


The golf program is individual in nature, as no official practices are held. Participants set their own schedule and participate once a week in league matches.

League matches are held the last week of April through the end of May. Matches are held at Mariners Point Golf Course in Foster City.

For more information click on the registration icon for information or call (650) 829-4680.


The tennis program begins practices in March. Practices are one day at Terrabay Gymnasium Courts and one day at Orange Park Courts.

League matches are held the last week of April through the end of May. All practices and matches are during the week and practices/matches start no earlier than 4:00 p.m. Matches are held on Thursday’s.

For more information click on the registration icon for information or call (650) 829-4680.

Track & Field

The track and field program begins in March.

League meets are held the last week of April through the end of May. All practices and meets are during the week and practices start no earlier than 4:00 p.m.

For more information click on the registration icon for information or call (650) 829-4680.

Volleyball - Girls

The girls’ volleyball program has tryouts at the end of August (generally one week after school begins) and begins practices at the beginning of September.

League games begin at the end of September and the program concludes at the end of October. All practices and games are during the week and practices/games start no earlier than 4:00 p.m.

For more information, please click on the registration icon or call (650) 829-4680.

Register online or registration forms are available at each school or at the Terrabay Gymnasium and Recreation Center, located at 1121 South San Francisco Drive. 650-829-4680

Upcoming Sports Flag Football and Girl's Volleyball (Must Pre-register)

More information will be made available in August and through your school's Peachjar.

Upcoming Evaluation Dates

Flag Football

  • 6th-8th Grade: August 29, 2024 at Hillside Field at 5:00 p.m.

Please register online.

RAPP Elementary Basketball (COED)

  • 3rd - 5th Grade Basketball - Fridays starting September 22, 2024
  • K - 2nd Grade Basketball Clinic - January
  • K - 2nd Grade Basketball League - April

Please register online.

Volleyball - Girls

  • 6th Grade: August 27, 2024 at Terrabay Gymnasium at 5:00 p.m.
  • 7th Grade: August 27, 2023 at Terrabay Gymnasium at 6:15 p.m.
  • 8th Grade: August 28, 2023 at Terrabay Gymnasium at 5:00 p.m.

Please register online.