Senior Services

senior knitting

About Roberta Cerri Teglia Center

A wide range of programs are offered for Adults 50 and older at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center (formerly Magnolia Center), such as picnics, movie showings, blood pressure screenings, health insurance counseling, trips to events around the bay area, classes, and much more. The Roberta Cerri Teglia Center also includes an Adult Day Care Center to help frail or impaired adults with disabilities remain in the community through social, mental, and physical stimulation. Please find information on each center to the right and feel free to click on some of the program links below if you are interested in learning more.

For updated information about the events, programs, and activities happening at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center please call (650) 829-3820 and ask about our monthly newsletter, Senior Connections(PDF, 3MB)

Roberta Cerri Teglia Center Hours:

  • Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 

What's Happening at Roberta Cerri Teglia Center


Congregate Meals

We are very excited to host the Congregate Nutrition Program in South San Francisco at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center located at 601 Grand Avenue. Lunch will be served every Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 12:00 p.m. and ending at 2:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor. Our lunch menu will be available in our Newsletter, on our website, and hard copies at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center. We will be providing delicious meals catered by Moon Chef that you can come and enjoy with your friends while also expanding your nutrition education. Please make sure to obtain a parking permit from the front desk on the 3rd floor prior to enjoying your meal.

In order to participate in the program, you must be 60 years or older and submit an application, be the spouse of a person who is 60+ and a participant in the program, or if you are under 60 years old with a disability and you live with and accompany a participant who is 60+ years old to the program. Applications for future months must be in by the 15th of the month prior to the month you would like to participate in the congregate meal program. You may obtain an application online(PDF, 876KB) or get a hard copy from the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center. You may submit your application in person at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center at 601 Grand Avenue or email it to Kasey Jo Cullinan at There is a voluntary contribution of $3.00 for seniors (aged 60+) and a $6.00 charge for guests, caregivers, or others under 60 years old. If you have any questions about the program or your eligibility, please contact the staff at the Roberta Cerri Teglia at (650) 829-3800 or Kasey Jo Cullinan at (650) 829-3822 or email



Please see below for days and times of our programs that are offered at no cost at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center.  If you have any questions, please call (650) 829-3820 or our main office at (650) 829-3800.

Mar. Week Schedule.jpg

Knitting, Crocheting, and Crafts- You don’t have to be an expert to join, everyone is welcome! We do traditional knitting as well as single needle crocheting. We have people who can help you out and give you advice with projects. Join us every Monday and Wednesday.

Fine Arts Exploration- Fine Arts Exploration allows for beginner, intermediate, and experienced artists to come and work on their skills while creating beautiful works of art. While painting is the main focus of the group, we encourage artists of all kinds to come and share their talents. Beginner supplies provided!

Yoga- Yoga is a great way to get in shape. It is a low impact activity that develops strength and balance. Our yoga classes are geared towards seniors so please come by, take a look, or join us and bring a mat!

Hawaii Plus- Learn basic strumming, chords, and songs in a friendly environment. No ukulele? No problem! We are offering free ukuleles to loan. Simply fill out a check out form, and you can use one of our free ukuleles for class and even take it home to practice with!

Karaoke- South San Francisco Senior Services is starting a new program: Karaoke for Seniors! We have the microphones, the sound systems, and a wonderful room with nice acoustics. Join us every Wednesday at 1:00 PM to sing some songs and make some friends! We hope to see you there!

Zumba Gold- The original concept of Zumba combines a dance workout with a party-like atmosphere. Zumba Gold takes the popular Latin-dance in-spired workout of Zumba and makes it accessible for seniors and/or beginners. Come to this class and get ready to sweat, prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong.

Mahjong- Join us for Mahjong at the Roberta Cerri Teglia Center. We have everything you need to play: tables, tiles, and friendly players. We now have 10 tables at once, so come on by and join us for a game!


NEW Senior Drop In Programs At The Alice Peña Bulos Community Center

2380 Galway Drive, SSF

The free senior programs at the Teglia Center have expanded to the west side of the City at the Bulos Center. Come join us for the following classes:

Seated Pilates- Monday 12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.

Seated Weights- Tuesday 10:50 a.m.-11:45 a.m.

Seated Full Body Workout- Wednesday 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m.

Seated Weights- Thursday 12:00 p.m.-12:45 p.m.

Stand Tall Yoga- Friday 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m.

Please note that this is a mixed use facility with a licensed preschool on site. Participants will be let in at class time by the building attendant and must adhere to posted policies regarding shared use. These are drop in programs, no pre-registration is required. For more information please call Lisa Wilson at (650) 829-3816 or

The Roberta Cerri Teglia Center offers a variety of free recreational and educational activities, however for a full list of our quarterly adult/senior class offerings throughout the city please see our current Activity Guide.(PDF, 22MB) 

There is a 20% senior discount off the resident rate.  (applies to most classes)


Income-eligible residents may apply for a Recreation Scholarship to receive a discount on fees to participate in recreation classes and programs.  Applications are available at the Parks and Recreation Office at 901 Civic Campus Way- 3rd Floor.  Applications must be accompanied by documentation of enrollment in other subsidized programs such as school free or reduced lunch, utilities discount programs.  The Recreation Scholarship is made possible thanks to community donations.  Donations are accepted online at or at the Parks and Recreation Office. Please call (650) 829-3800 for more information. 


Senior Services provides information and referrals to community based organizations and partner agencies for older adults, their families, and caregivers who are in need of assistance or support due to health, financial, legal, housing, and other difficulties that affect their quality of life. 


Staff are happy to refer our seniors to transportation options.  BART, CalTrain, and SamTrans schedules are available at the Roberta Cerri Teglia front desk located on the 3rd floor by the Grand Avenue entrance. The South San Francisco also has a FREE South City Shuttle!

You can call the center for more information or click below for the following programs:


The Aging and Adult Services Hotline is San Mateo County’s 24-hour information and emergency response line. It helps older adults, people with disabilities, dependent adults, and caregivers access the services they need to keep them safe. The Hotline is staffed by experienced social workers.

Information and Referral

Hotline staff answer questions about the wide variety of services available through the County and in the community. The Hotline is the main entry point for services provided by the Aging and Adult Services Division.

If this is a life threatening emergency please call 911

The Aging and Adult Services Hotline line provides access to 24-hour emergency response for older and dependent adults in San Mateo County. Our Aging & Adult Services hotline can assist with adult protective services referrals, in-home support referrals, and community resources.

For information, advice, and 24-hour emergency response, call the Aging and Adult Services Hotline:


711 for California Relay Services (TDD)