Pruning or Removing City Trees
The pruning or removing of City trees is completed by City Staff. City maintained trees may be on land owned by the City, City Right of Ways, or in front of homes and commercial property within the City tree easement. Service is usually restricted, but not limited, to those trees originally planted by the City. Requests for either of these services may be made by contacting our Parks Division at (650) 829-3837. Service is based upon tree health, site conditions, and potential hazards. For instance; storm emergencies, traffic and resident safety needs, and other projects have priority over cosmetic or aesthetic needs.
Tree Preservation Ordinance
The City of South San Francisco is endowed and forested with a variety of healthy and valuable trees which must be protected and preserved. The preservation of trees is essential to the health, welfare and quality of life of the citizens of our City because these trees preserve the scenic beauty of our City, maintain ecological balance, prevent erosion of top soil, counteract air pollution and oxygenate the air, absorb noise, maintain climatic and microclimatic balance, help block wind, and provide shade and color.
For these reasons, the City of South San Francisco has adopted a new Tree Preservation Ordinance. Under this ordinance essentially no “protected tree” shall be removed or pruned without a permit.

Find a professional. For your safety and the health of your landscape and trees the City of South San Francisco recommends you hire an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist. A professional arborist can assess your landscape and work with you to determine the best course of action to care for and maintain the trees and shrubs in your landscape. An ISA certified arborist and ISA approved companies can be found easily be performing an internet search and looking for companies with the "ISA" Logo shown here.
What is a "protected tree?"
- Any tree of the following species with a circumference of 75" or more when measured 54" above natural grade
- Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus)
- Black Acacia (Acacia melanoxylon)
- Myoporum (Myoporum laetum)
- Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua)
- Glossy Privet (Lingustrum lucidum)
- Lombardy Poplar (Populus nigra)
- Any heritage tree of the following species with a circumference of 30" or more when measured at 54" above natural grade
- California Bay (Umbellaria californica)
- Oak (Quercus spp.)
- Cedar (Cedrus spp.)
- California Buckeye (Aesculus californica)
- Catalina Ironwood (Lyonothamnus floribundus var. asplenifolius)
- Strawberry Tree (Arbutus spp.)
- Mayten (Maytenus boaria)
- Little Gem Dwarf Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem')
- Any tree other than the species listed above with a circumference of 48" or more when measured 54" above natural grade
- A tree or stand of trees so designated based upon findings that it is unique and of importance to the public due to its unusual appearance, location, historical significance
- A stand of trees whereby each tree is dependent upon the others for survival
If you're ever unsure if you need a permit, call the Parks Division Office at (650) 829-3837 and we'll be happy to assist you.
What is the difference between pruning and trimming?
What is the difference between pruning and trimming?
- Pruning means the removal of more than one third of the crown or existing foliage of the tree or more than one third of the root system.
- Trimming means the removal of less than one third of the crown or existing foliage of the tree or less than one third of the root system. Trimming a protected tree is allowed without a permit.
How much does a permit cost?
The non-refundable fee for a tree removal/pruning permit is $115.05 per tree. A $350.00 refundable "planting deposit" is also required for each tree removal. Refunds are made after all replanting conditions are met.
Penalty for Violation
Please read the definitions of "protected" trees (above) carefully. Due to the time taken for staff to inspect the tree(s), if an application is submitted and a tree is smaller than permit requirements or the application has been denied, the refundable deposit will be refunded, but the application fee will not. If you are unsure if your tree(s) fall under “protected” trees definitions, please hire a professional in the field of arboriculture to assist you.
In addition to any other penalties allowed by law, any person removing, pruning, abusing, or mutilating a tree in violation of this chapter shall be liable for damages equal to twice the replacement value of the tree, as determined by the International Society of Arboriculture Standards, or by a city arborist determined by the director as being qualified to make this assessment.
Where do I get a permit or obtain more information on the Tree Preservation Ordinance?
Download a Protected Tree Pruning/Removal Permit Application(PDF, 590KB), or call the Parks Division at (650) 829-3837.
Purchase a Tree at Wholesale Prices Through us!
Are you interested in purchasing a tree for your home? Parks staff can help you select and purchase trees(PDF, 153KB) at wholesale prices through our vendors. If you're interested in this no cost service, please contact us at (650)-829-3837.
Citywide Tree Inventory
If you are interested in trees you see around the city, you can visit our citywide tree inventory to view all trees that are the responsibility of the City of South San Francisco by clicking here. This inventory does not include privately owned trees and locations are approximate based on GIS coordinates.