Parks Division

The Parks Maintenance Division performs a ide range of tasks in order to care for City parks and open spaces. Staff work throughout the year to refresh the appearance of parks repairing or replacing items as needed to keep public spaces clean and safe.

About Us

The Parks and Recreation Department manages over 270 acres of parks and open space, averaging 4 acres per 1,000 residents:

Parks and Facilities

For a list of the City's facilities and parks, view our Interactive Parks Map, or download the Facility Park Chart(PDF, 351KB).

During severe weather events (wind, rain, poor air quality, excessive heat warnings), consider modifying or rescheduling plans to visit parks and open space areas . These severe weather events can result in unforeseen circumstances that could potentially injure people or damage property. 

Service Requests

If you see anything in our parks that may need maintenance, please call the Parks Division at (650) 829-3837 or submit your service request online by using EngageSSF.