Dash & Dot

dash dot

What I am: Dash, Dot and Cue Robots

Where I am: Main and Grand Libraries

What I do: Dash, Dot and Cue teach code in kid speak for kids ages 6-11. A child’s first real robot friend. The physical robot comes with access to virtual Dash and Dot robots that kids can program in a rich 3-D environment on screen. They can be used independently, but are more fun together!

What I can teach you: Explore loops, events, conditions, and sequences and see how they result in real-life movements. Problem solving skills and coding, creativity.

I'm recommended for ages: Ages 6 and up

Both need to be charged before use and require an iPad (Library iPads available for in-library use)

Dot  Dash Robot

Santadot Dot Robot

cue-the-robot_1539126385_cjsi93_9yxMatN.original.jpg Cue Robot


Project Ideas

Troubleshooting and Guides