Tax Information
Transient Occupancy Tax & Conference Center Tax
Information and Tax Returns for the collection of Transient Occupancy Tax and Conference Center Tax in South San Francisco is available below. Tax returns are required monthly for all hotels and motels operating in the city.
The current Transient Occupancy Tax rate is 14%. The current Conference Center Tax is $2.50 per room night.

Transient Occupancy Tax Exemption Forms
Transient Occupancy Tax Return Forms
Commercial Parking Tax
The Commercial Parking Tax is an excise tax on the activity of parking motor vehicles in the City of South San Francisco where there is a rent charged for parking. The tax is a general tax under voter-approved Proposition 218.
The current Commercial Parking Tax rate is 8%.
Commercial Parking Tax Forms
Other Assessments
The following assessments are administered by other agencies:
Property assessments are usually announced by the County Assessor in August, and the City must then set the tax rate before August 31. For questions regarding property assessments, please contact the County Assessor at (650) 363-4500.
Public utilities are assessed by the State Board of Equalization. The phone number for general tax questions is 1-800-400-7115.
Property taxes are collected by the County Tax Collector for the City, and various other taxes are collected by the State and remitted to the City. For questions regarding property tax collection, please call (650) 363-4142.