City Council

6:30 pm (please note the new start-time), upcoming meeting information
Second and fourth Wednesday of each month
Library | Parks and Recreation Center
901 Civic Campus Way
South San Francisco, CA
Watch videos from the South San Francisco City Council
Agendas, Minutes, E-packets, and More
To browse Agendas, Minutes, E-packets, and other documentary information from the City Council, view the City Council Meeting Information.
- Acting as the governing body of South San Francisco
- Establishing local law and policies through the enactment of ordinances and resolutions
- Determining how the City shall obtain and spend funds
- Appointing members to advisory municipal activities
- Representing the City by serving on regional and County committees and boards whose policies may affect South San Francisco
City Council Procedure and Protocols Handbook(PDF, 603KB)
Five members are elected to four-year Council terms. Elections are held in even-numbered years. Three members are elected together, and the other two are elected in the next election. The Mayor and Vice Mayor are selected by the Council from its members in non-election years. During election years, the Mayor and Vice Mayor are selected after election results have been tabulated.
The Council also directs the City Manager and sits as the Successor Agency Board of Directors.
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