
Redistricting Schedule

Please note this schedule is subject to change. Please check back often for updates and additional details.


Date Actions Link
June 9th Presentation on the Redistricting Process for South San Francisco. Presentation: File No. 21-420
June 23rd Report regarding providing direction to staff on how to proceed with the Council redistricting project of South San Francisco. Staff Report: File No. 21-517
July 14th 1st Public Hearing to educate the public on the redistricting process and solicit input on "Communities of Interest". Staff Report: File No. 21-544
Mid August Expected Release of 2020 Census Data -Preliminary data that will not be used to determine demographic changes. August 12, 2021, Preliminary Data Released
End of September Expected Release of California Adjusted Data - Final data that will be used to determine demographic changes to Redistrict the City of South San Francisco. September 27, 2021
October 13th Presentation to City Council on final data numbers Presentation: File No. 21-661
December 1st Community Workshop - Hybrid (In-person/Virtual)
2nd Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m.
File No. 21-880


Date Actions Link
January 18th Final deadline to submit maps for consideration Draft Maps
January 26th 3rd Public Hearing to discuss and revise draft maps Staff Report: File No. 22-44
February 23rd 4th Public Hearing to discuss and revise draft maps Staff Report: File No. 22-127
March 9th 5th Public Hearing to discuss and vote on final map Staff Report: File No. 22-174
March 23rd Adopt final map as an ordinance Staff Report: File No. 22-206
November 8, 2022 District election with new districts