Get Involved

Would you like to make a difference in the community? Volunteer at the Library! We are looking for volunteers for adult tutoring, technology programming, homework help, shelving, presentations, and many other areas. If you have knowledge, a skill, or time you would like to share, check out our volunteer job descriptions and apply online.
Donate to the Library
You can help support programs, special collections and services, and new tools and technologies in the library with monetary donations of any amount. We also accept commemorative donations for birthdays, retirements, and memorials, and would be happy to provide a letter to the person being honored acknowledging your gift. Donations can be made online, by mail at 901 Civic Campus Way, SSF, CA 94080, or in person at any library facility.
South San Francisco Public Library Foundation
The South San Francisco Public Library Foundation raises funds to support learning and literacy in the South San Francisco community, now, and for future generations.
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Library is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting the South San Francisco Public Library through advocacy, volunteerism, and fundraising. Learn more about the Friends.